Balance Program
The BALANCE program is designed to prevent the development of severe problem behavior in young children.
It is evidence-based and parent-led, putting you in the driver's seat of teaching your child.
The Balance program aims to create balance between child-led and adult-led interactions.
We start with an initial intake meeting to identify if the Balance program is the best fit to reach your parenting goals.
During the program your consultant will coach you on the steps to promote play and teach your child to:
Respond to their name
Use their words
Accept the disappointment of "no"
Cooperate with your requests
Your consultant will meet with you twice a week to introduce and demonstrate teaching skills. They will also answer questions, provide feedback, and review progress on previously learned skills.
All progress is tracked and available to view through a HIPAA-compliant digital app. You can also upload videos to ask your consultant questions or receive feedback between sessions.
Sessions may take place virtually through telehealth or in your home.